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caitlin & chris at the lake george club

I know I say this all the time, but I really mean that I am just so fortunate to have the fabulous clients I have!  Caitlin & Chris are right up there with all my other favorites this year–we couldn’t have had clients who were more fun to be around.  Didn’t hurt at all that they’re another beautiful TWP couple, either!  So anyway, we had a great day this past Saturday with them, and I really wanted to get this blog post online asap, so you could see a little bit of what I’m talkin’ about.  Caitlin’s mom Mary provided a little extra motivation to me, too–she was an awesome MOTB, from beginning to end–so a shout out to her!

Now, to the photos–we started with about 2,700 images–that’s a lot to go through, and it’s crazy to even try to narrow it down to what I can post here.  On my first pass, I ended up with 85 must-haves…oops!  So I had to get ruthless with my cuts–hope you enjoy them!  The rest will be online soon, of course.

All ready to get this show moving!

Caitlin and her sister Meghan, right there all day being the perfect Maid of Honor.

The Fleming girls!

Chris! As fun and relaxed as he looks.

Seconds before heading down the aisle.

Always one of my favorite moments!

Nobody fell in the lake, I promise!

Flower girls Kiely and Grace looking beautiful, as they did all day long!

Meghan and her fiancé John--another great couple.

I will love you night and day, know our love not fade away...