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emily & jesse, october 11, 2015, albany, ny

My family has been friends with Jesse’s family for years, so it was a huge honor to be chosen to photograph Emily & Jesse’s wedding day. A few months ago, we did a charming little family session with Emily & Jesse and their baby girl Evie (click here to see our post from that shoot). But this day was all about Emily & Jesse…well, as much as it could be about them given that they have a year-old baby who tends to steal the spotlight! This is one lucky couple–they just seem made for each other. Every time I’ve been around them I’ve come away with the feeling that they’re both completely accepting of the things that make the other one special and unique, and that makes for an unbeatable foundation for a marriage.
So here’s a cool thing… The chuppah was originally made for Jesse’s grandparents’ wedding, and several family members, including his brother and sister-in-law, have been married using it–this was the eighth wedding to be held under it. I love that kind of story and tradition–one of the cool things about being in this business, for sure. And another thing that was fun for me personally–the officiant on this day was my old NewsChannel 13 friend Benita Zahn. She’s always a hoot (her term) to work with…great to see her on this beautiful (in every way) day. And before I sign off here, a huge thank you to Jesse’s parents Jan & Paul, great friends for a long, looong time.
Here’s to a lifetime of happiness for Emily & Jesse! Now enjoy the photos of their wedding day!

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