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katie & dan, trout lake in the adirondacks

I LOVE the fact that weddings are all so different.  Finding the moments that make each one unique is a specialty of ours, along with bringing out the personalities of the players.  This wedding was waaay out of the mainstream–just eight people, but with all the warmth and beauty that it would take to fill the biggest ballroom.  Katie and Dan and family couldn’t have been cooler to be around, and I was proud to be a part of their day.

This is Katie, putting the finishing touches on.

And Dan, just chillin'.

Alice, all ready for her flower girl job!

Brother and sister, sharing a laugh.

Dan's dad read a really moving piece during the ceremony.

Even with all the beautiful warm color in the house, I love how B&W can boil an image right down to its essence.

Katie's just got all the style in the world...and Dan does OK, too!

After the ceremony, we headed down to the lake...

...and went for a nice, celebratory boat ride as the sun was setting.

One of my faves from the day, for sure.

Or maybe this one is...

OK, I like a lot of these from the boat ride!

Cool how little kids can get right into your heart, don't you think?

The baby sure caught the mood of everyone, or maybe it was the other way around!