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sara & dan at the sagamore, bolton landing, ny; reception aboard the morgan

Once again, we had a perfect day at the Sagamore for Sara & Dan’s spectacular wedding. What a great couple–Sara is full of energy and a ton of fun, while Dan’s quieter sense of humor had us all laughing. The ceremony was on the Upper Veranda, amazing views of the lake included! Then, for something a little different, we all boarded the Sagamore’s beautiful 72-foot yacht, the Morgan. It was just a little breezy at first (OK, more than a little!), but being out on the lake was spectacular. As the sun went down, so did the wind, and it turned out to be a perfect evening for a party on the lake. And yes–these two know how to have a good time!

Thanks to a great couple…hope you love the photos!

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