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Colleen & Brian at Altamont Manor

If you’ve read previous blog posts here, you’ve probably noticed that one of the things I love about being in the wedding business is working with people who are so different from each other–in this case, Colleen & Brian get the TWP award for being the most relaxed and easy-going of any couple we’ve photographed in a long, long time.  Starting with their rehearsal party the night before the wedding, the weekend was just about as chill as could be.  Colleen’s laugh is highly infectious…and she was laughing a lot!  So of course, everybody followed her lead and had a truly great time!

Next, the four flower girls and the ring bearer were as cute and fun as could be–you’ll see them in some of the pics below, and I’m pretty sure you’ll agree.  We could have filled this entire post and more just with the kids!  Hats off to their parents, Sean & Andrea, for keeping things together with the entire crew!

And last, a little story about how Colleen & Brian met…  Colleen is a graduate of the Naval Academy, and she and Brian met when they were both on sea tours, stationed in San Diego.  Something about him thinking she sounded cute on the radio, and making a point of seeking her out when they were back on land.  I think this is the first time I’ve heard of that particular attraction, but it seems to have worked out pretty well.  All the best to a great couple!

Sometimes, a burger is just what is called for! (Big shout out to Five Guys.)

Colleen's First Look...

...and their first hug!

Big change in the energy level when the kids arrived!

Not sure quite how these kids could have been any cooler to be around!

Ceremony's about to start...

I've said it before--certain moments at weddings still choke me up a bit, and this is almost always one of them.

Altamont Manor is a beautiful location, sitting just on top of the Helderberg escarpment.

The first dance--Colleen & Brian asked both sets of parents to join in, as they'll both be celebrating their 40th anniversaries in 2011. Congrats to Evelyn & Dennis and Deanna & Dale!

I'm tellin' you, they were everywhere! 😉

Navy pals, and both bridesmaids are still serving.

Definitely a great day--congratulations, guys!