fall engagement session, shelburne farms, near burlington, vt
I knew I was going to love this shoot–I had all the ingredients to make something really unique and special out of it. First, there’s this amazing couple–smart, super-stylish, fun…and great looking, too. Then, when we decided to shoot at Shelburne Farms, up near Burlington, VT, I knew that I just had to hope for some nice light and we’d be all set. I’d never shot at this location before, but I knew enough about the farm to know I’d have plenty to work with there. And who doesn’t like a little challenge now and then–finding the best spots, with lots of variety and where the light was perfect, took a little time before we started shooting, but it was so worth it!
Just as we arrived at the location, the sun started doing that crazy in-and-out-of-the-clouds thing, so right from the start, we got some different looks. As we moved from location to location, chatting along the way, we all got more in the groove, and it seemed that every spot yielded something cooler than the previous one. Shelburne Farms is a really amazing place, and the location on Lake Champlain is truly awe-inspiring.
As you’ll see, it got pretty dark after leaving the farm, and before we arrived in Burlington for our second set. No problem…it just gave these photos a completely different vibe, but it’s another really good one, for sure.
We can’t wait for their Spring 2014 wedding in Saratoga Springs–it’s sure to be amazing in every way!