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jessica & luke in saratoga springs

Sorry I’ve been a little slow with my blog posts lately!  I’ve been meaning to get this one up for a while now, as it was one of my favorite shoots in a while.  I got a call a few weeks ago for a wedding…but not one with all the usual wedding stuff…you know, like other people, a wedding party, a band, etc.  The wedding was a little courthouse affair, but Jessica & Luke wanted some photos to commemorate the occasion, nonetheless.

So we decided to meet at Yaddo Gardens in Saratoga Springs, and go from there.  They seemed like a great couple when we talked on the phone, but I still couldn’t have guessed how fun the shoot would turn out to be.  As you’ll see, Jessica & Luke arrived dressed up, and we shot in a variety of locations around the Gardens.  It was an absolutely gorgeous evening, and that contributed to the mood, as well as the look of the photos.

But here’s the thing I want you to notice–Jessica started out completely natural and adorable, and got even more so so as we went along.  Luke, however, started out like most guys…kind of uneasy and a little self-conscious.  By the end of the shoot, though, he was totally into it, and came up with some great ideas of his own.  So a big thank you to Jessica & Luke, and best wishes to both of you.  (I made them promise to let me photograph the next big event in their lives, so I hope to see them soon!)  I hope you all enjoy the photos.

This is the last one from the, we headed into town, for photos with a very different look and feel.

These two just couldn't have done a better job...completely ignoring me when that's what worked best, jumping on every idea, and even coming up with some great stuff on their own.